Transitioning to New Environments

Building homes in the era of COVID-19
As the news gets more and more stressful and times keep changing, we’ve been transitioning to this current “new normal” at Gilbert + Burke. Like every business in Canada and around the world, both our team and our clients have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a business dedicated to our clients, our staff and our projects, we understand the need and importance of adapting to new situations and transitioning to new environments. We’re considered an essential business during the pandemic, so our projects are continuing and our design work is still happening. However, we’re highly focused on and serious about ensuring the safety and health of everyone involved while still continuing to work, build and make our clients happy.
At Gilbert + Burke, we’ve long understood and honed in on the value of virtual experiences when it comes to home building and designing. During the pandemic, the need for online communication and design has never been more vital to the success of our projects. We’ve been using virtual interactions with our clients and our employees during this time, from passing along documents via email and having meetings via the web. With the ability to post gallery views online and the capability for our employees to work from home, we’ve been able to continue along with business as usual.
When it comes to building on new projects, things are still trucking along with great respect for the importance of social distancing and keeping our teams safe. As builders, we work with a complex network of people. From our clients and our staff to our contractors, suppliers and trade partners, we feel a great amount of responsibility to take care of our people. Building is still occurring outside, and interior tasks are being completed while our workers stay a minimum of 2 metres apart from each other. When it comes to communication with our clients, we keep it socially distant with phone calls and virtual conversations.
During this period of unique transition and scary headlines, we feel incredibly lucky to be safe, healthy and in business. We consider it of the highest honour to be able to continue serving our clients for as long as possible, and we’re always here for each of you regardless. If you’re looking to start a new project, contact us today. We can’t wait to make things happen for you.